Monday 4 July 2011


There were many starts and stops with the choosing of the beautiful Lexington. These were the houses we had on our wish list.
1. We absolutely loved loved this American style home. It is simply stunning with a beautiful fire place and wood-finished kitchen - STUNNING!
2. After deciding that it would be a bit difficult to build the above house in Australia, we opted to look for a design that was similar in that concept and what we were after. Mainly Chris had this criteria that he must have a:
A. Triple Garage and 
B. A Fire Place (that was my requirement :P)
So, considering all that, Chris and I fell in love with Henley’s Emperor (I think most people would!). The house at Point Cook literally blew our minds away. If you click on the link with pictures, you will see why….
3. After contemplating a bit more (I think it only took us a month) - there really was no reason for a double story house. It would be too much cleaning for us. Although the view would be simply stunning, the cost was way too much to build. So, Chris decided on the Henley Monterey.
4. However, it was my persistence that convinced him that it actually made more sense to go with the Lexington. And the rest is history.
The hard decisions new builders have to go through is so harddddd and tough on the mind!

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